We are committed to conducting business in an environmentally sensitive manner with a strong awareness of how we impact the world around us. Our commitment to sustainability is demonstrated by the inherently efficient nature and resourcing of the solutions we provide and in our corporate social responsibility efforts, which are based on the International Standards Organization (ISO) 14001 standards.
We demonstrate our commitment to sustainability through integration of local supply chain and third-party providers, reducing carbon miles.

Also our flexible work schedule, reduces carbon footprint by eliminating unnecessary vehicle usage with staff able to work remotely as operations permit. In addition, utilizing our Hydrogen Systems integration expertise, we further decarbonize our activities through our hybrid H2/ diesel vehicle, providing significant emissions reduction and we are working toward extending this system to our entire vehicle fleet.
We track our achievements against our sustainability goals to ensure our company and the efforts of our employees remain aligned with our objectives, and we encourage our suppliers and business partners to take similar actions that align with their operations.
Environmental Footprint
ALARP* GHG# footprint is integral to our design and manufacture methodology, cradle to grave.
*ALARP – as low as reasonably practicable. #GHG – Green house gas
Energy Efficiency
We will encourage energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources
We aim to conserve natural resources, minimise waste and practice environmentally responsible disposal.
Partner Encouragement
We will encourage our business partners and suppliers to strive for the same high levels of environmental performance