“We apply our ‘technical limit’ engineering expertise and sovereign advanced additive manufacturing capabilities to design and deliver innovative, practical, and safe solutions across diverse industry sectors.”
With a combined six decades of technical and operational experience in high-risk industries, Onetide deftly provides rapid, accurate, cost-effective engineering solutions.

The story of Onetide began in Perth, Western Australia, in 2015, when our founder and principal engineer Roy Mitchell saw the need for novel engineering solutions that prioritised efficiency and safety optimisation and provided the capability for interoperability across platforms and industry sectors. With extensive experience in the offshore oil and gas industry, Roy had a desire to share his engineering knowledge and capabilities across a broader industry base. His belief that a lower carbon footprint can be achieved by “doing it once and doing it right the first time through rapid concept and prototyping methodologies”, is an integral part of the Onetide philosophy.
Our Co-founder and General Manager, Rebekah Manley - a geoscientist with 25 years’ global experience in environmental consultancy, hydrogeology, mining, and oil and gas brings rigor through our operational and assurance processes. Rebekahs background with energy producers and retailers has instilled a keen interest in energy supply and its social and environmental impact.
Remote and rapid turnaround operations globally will benefit most from our service and products due to our innovative and patented equipment deployment systems, personnel optimisation, and low HSER footprint. We utilise a holistic approach throughout our design and entire supply chain to ensure cost, HSER, and Green House Gas (GHG) minimisation. Key to this is our no civil onsite fabrication methodology, minimising transport logistics, and incorporation of local labour.
With a constant stream of leading innovations, Onetide is a growing player in Australian sovereign capability in the defence, mining, oil and gas, marine logistics, disaster relief, and renewable energy sectors. Supplying innovative, rapid deployment engineering solutions in power, water, communications, maritime operations and logistics and essential infrastructure to remote locations.
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Mobile MicrogridTM is an innovative, highly mobile and modular, small-footprint, hybrid renewable energy system with onboard water filtration, desalination, and purification. The Modular Mobile MicrogridTM can be rapidly deployed globally to scale, with minimal logistics effort and negligible HSEQ and carbon footprint.

Solution capability
The Hybrid Renewable Energy Modular Mobile MicrogridTM provides scalable mobile grid quality hybrid renewable power supply and integrated water purification/ desalination, anywhere with maximum efficiency, minimal logistics, and negligible HSER footprint. It can be sized ranging from two-person portable helicopter deployable (2-20kW) units to multi-megawatt utility scale microgrids. We utilise a holistic approach throughout our design and entire supply chain to ensure cost, HSER and Green House Gas (GHG) minimisation. Key to this is our no civils onsite fabrication methodology, minimising transport logistics, GHG’s and incorporation of local labour.
Mobile MicrogridTM is Australian made with componentry only form Australia and coalition countries. We integrate low parts count and additive manufacturing to enable cost effective rapid production capability.
The applications for the Mobile MicrogridTM are broad, ranging from small systems to power remote communities, schools, mine sites, navigational aids, communication outposts, to large-scale projects such as relocatable hydrogen refuelling networks, defence and humanitarian and medical-aid applications.
Scalable 2kW to multi-MW output.
Small and light (e.g. 20kW unit-70kg) significantly reducing full lifecycle Carbon footprint.
Scalable over project lifecycle, reducing early-stage CAPEX spend.
Optimised for mass, rapid production through low parts count & additive manufacturing techniques.
Zero heat and noise signature.
Multiple input capability, wind, PV, hydro, micro diesel/H2 backup and output, 240v 50Hz, 415v 3pH, Eex. Grid independent.
Microgrid & PV panels ruggedised for dust, vibration, and water ingress resistance.
Sovereign Capability
Australian made and sourced components and assembly.
No civil works/machine install requirement. Relocatable Mobile MicrogridTM and PV mounting system, allowing for CAPEX recovery across multiple sites. Air deployable and floating solar arrays are flatpack transportable, for rapid onsite assembly, saving logistics space.
Water Purification
Integrated low filter media usage and power/amperage draw purification, 14,000L/day capability.
Subsea 3000mWD (10-700kW)
No more blackouts
No more bills
Power your home with
renewable energy
100% Mobile
Take it with you,
wherever you go